Friday, January 21, 2011

Sneak Peek: Fall Family Shoot

This was a really fun and casual session where we took photos while strolling around one of the local parks. One of the things I strive to capture in family sessions aside from the group images are the genuine interactions between siblings. I often just let the kids play together, or create a game for them to play and then at the right moment - CLICK!

I pride myself on being a versatile and professional photographer. This means that unlike 'natural light' shooters who rely solely upon the weather to create good images, I can shoot in almost any conditions. This of course is why people pay me to do what I do.

However, that being said ;-) I do not know a photographer out there who is not completely humbled sometimes by the absolute beauty that Nature creates. Sometimes you just thank your stars you were lucky enough to be there and witness the incredible glory of it all. As Ansel Adams once said, "Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter."

During this shoot, the late afternoon light, reflections off the lake and a little fill into the shady area where we were shooting combined to create nothing less than some sweet portrait magic...

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