Thursday, March 31, 2011

Killer new blog look coming soon!

So I am crazy excited about the new look that is going to be available thanks to blogger! It will be so much more interactive and really showcase my images! Keep checking back here over the next few weeks to see it... and let me know what you think in the comments section!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sneak Peek: Fall Family Fun!

So I wanted to title this post "Fabulous Forward-Facing Fall Family Fun" but I thought that might have been a little bit of overkill on the alliteration... LOL

This gorgeous family wanted to get outside and take advantage of some fall colors. Although we had missed the peak of the leaves (which in Kansas City is around mid to early October), I did some location scouting and found some very beautiful pockets of leaves, and also an amazing grove of evergreens that had a wide, grassy lane going right through them... which created this fantastic, magical forest feeling!

The afternoon light was slanting through the trees just right, creating a lovely rim light, and the kids and I had fun playing red light, green light all along the path.

Mom, a former model, and Dad, a musician (was it the hair that gives it away? *wink*), completed the quartet. We took some of everyone relaxing together in the grass, but this shot was my fave of the entire family. They just look happy and confident and cool, striding together into their futures together!

If you are interested in scheduling your own family portrait (think spring, flowers in bloom, new leaves), please give me a call at the studio: 913-602-8061 or send me an email via my contact form at Striking's website.